The Vocal Support Scholarship Award Application

The Vocal Support Scholarship Award was established in 2012 to support Minnetonka High School graduating seniors who are pursuing post-secondary education and have utilized Minnetonka choirs to enrich their high school experience. This award is administered by Vocal Support, a 501(c)(3) organization created to support choral music programs across Minnetonka schools. The number of scholarships and the amount of each scholarship will be determined on an annual basis. The 2021 Vocal Support Scholarship amount is $1,000. Applications due Friday, May 21, 2022.


The goal of this award is to recognize students who best exemplify the positive impact a choral experience can have in benefitting and enriching their high school education.


The Vocal Support Scholarship Award is open to any students who meet the following criteria:

  1. Will graduate from Minnetonka High School

  2. Have actively participated in Minnetonka High School choirs for THREE or more years

  3. Will pursue a post-secondary education


Applications will be considered by a committee of at least four people including directors and members of the Vocal Support executive board. Award(s) will be presented to students who

  • embrace the Minnetonka choir experience by developing their personal choral skills

  • enhance the group dynamics of Minnetonka choirs by building and exhibiting important characteristics like teamwork, confidence, mutual respect, self-discipline, and leadership.

Please complete the following application: